
2014-09-26. The Rise of the Dragon in Western Balkans: China’s Geo-economics after the Great Recession.

2014-09-26. The Rise of the Dragon in Western Balkans: China’s Geo-economics after the Great Recession.

Sino-South (Jugo)Slave and Sino-Albanian relationships have a long history. Since the Hoxha and Tito era, China remained a supporter even in periods when the area was isolatedfrom both sides of the Iron Curtin. The “good chemistry” continued also during the Milošević yearsand nowadays is developing into a multilayer geo-economic association. During and after the Big Recession China’s Institutions and SOE, richwith cash, have launched a multifrontal commercial “assault”, with desired End Stateto gain influence through partial of complete control of economic «commanding heights». The Dragon endeavors to acquire a dominant position vis a vis  to5 of the «sisters» of Geo-economics:Energy, Infrastructure-Industry-Transport (I2T) and Education.

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