
..Turkey’s Test of Civilization – by The Armenian Mirror-Spectator & By Prof. Taner Akçam – 18.07.2020

    Prof. Taner Akçam   ARTS & CULTURE INTERNATIONALOPINION CULTURE HAGIA SOPHIA Turkey’s Test of Civilization JULY 16, 2020 by The Armenian Mirror-Spectator   By Prof. Taner Akçam Basically, the whole Hagia Sophia affair can be summed up with the phrases “improper” or “a shame.” But I think that the audience whom I am addressing do not possesses […]

Moscow’s War in Syria – A Report of the CSIS Transnational Threats Project Edited by Seth G. Jones

This report examines Russia’s military and diplomatic campaign in Syria, the largest and most significant Russian out-of-area operation since the end of the Cold War. Russia’s experience in Syria will significantly shape its military thinking, influence promotion and personnel decisions, impact research and development for its arms industry, and expand its influence in the Middle East and beyond for the foreseeable future.

BESA-By Irina Tsukerman: Turkey Is Building a Geopolitical Alliance Between Sunni and Shiite Islamists – 16.04.2020

  BESA-By Irina Tsukerman: Turkey Is Building a Geopolitical Alliance Between Sunni and Shiite Islamists      Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, photo via Office of the President of Russia BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,528, April 14, 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The recent news about the involvement of Iranian diplomats in the murder of an Iranian dissident in […]

CARNEGIE EUROPE, *Judy Dempsey,: Europe’s Missing Coronavirus Exit Strategy – 15.04.2020

CARNEGIE EUROPE, *Judy Dempsey,: Europe’s Missing Coronavirus Exit Strategy Other European countries are looking for an exit strategy as governments try and cushion the impact of a virus that has virtually shut down economies, closed borders, and temporarily ended a way of life that was so much taken for granted.   In contrast, Ireland, Britain, […]

Lexington Institute-Dr. Daniel Goure: Souda Bay: NATO’s Military Gem in the Eastern Mediterranean – 15.04.2020

Lexington Institute-Dr. Daniel Goure: Souda Bay: NATO’s Military Gem in the Eastern MediterraneanExecutive Summary The Middle East is afire, Russia is on the march and France, the United Kingdom, the United States and dozens of other countries are at war with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. The Eastern Mediterranean is at the center […]

The “1453” plan, the Bashi-bazouks and the “Grey Area” between Greece and Turkey – Ioannis Athan. Baltzois is Lieutenant-General ret., president of the Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HELISS), former defence attaché in Tel Aviv – 14.04.2020

The “1453” plan, the Bashi-bazouks and the “Grey Area”  between Greece and Turkey  Article written by Ioannis Ath. Baltzois* The events in Evros, especially in the Karaağaç Triangle, from February 28 until recently, when the Sultan decided due to various reasons (internal, frustration, coronavirus, etc.) to withdraw his guided “besiegers” and bashi-bazouks from the area, […]

By Dr. George N. Tzogopoulos April 10, 2019, A New EastMed Friendship, with US Support

By Dr. George N. Tzogopoulos April 10, 2019, A New EastMed Friendship, with US Support

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades, and Greek PM Alexis Tsipras, photo via Wikipedia BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,137, April 10, 2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The prospective EastMed pipeline would be the flagship project of the Cypriot-Greek-Israeli collaboration, a developing friendship that enjoys deep foundations. The US has now made its support for […]

BESA, Emil Avdaliani *: Battle with Fate: Russia, Geography, and the Historical Cycle 

BESA, Emil Avdaliani *: Battle with Fate: Russia, Geography, and the Historical Cycle 

  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Russia under Putin falls neatly into the Russian historical cycle. When the old state is in decline, chaos ensues, and a new, powerful leader emerges to rebuild Russia. There are plenty of comparisons from Russian history that echo Putin’s rise and success – but there are crucial differences, too, which help explain […]

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