
How words from the Greek language can help us lead with empathy and kindness. – By Alexandros Mallias – 11.02.2021

From Athens to Washington D.C.: Oikos, Polis, Ecumene How words from the Greek language can help us lead with empathy and kindness. By Alexandros P. Mallias, Former Ambassador of Greece to the USA (2005-2009)   Ivan Mateev/ Shutterstock Allow the ekfrassis of  efharisties  to the neo archons of the American Politeia for their panegyric January 20th  logos […]

The “Mutant” Erdogan and the Genocides!!! – By Ioannis A. Baltzois Lt. General (r) of the Hellenic Army, Author, with a M.Sc. in Geopilitical matters of National & Capodistrian University of Athens, President of HELISS -10.02.2021

  The “Mutant” Erdogan and the Genocides!!!     By Ioannis  A. Baltzois*           From January 27th, 2005,  has been established by the UN General Assembly,   the International Day of Remembrance for Holocaust Victims. This resolution calls on member states to work out on education programmes that will pass on the lessons of the Holocaust […]

THE CHALLENGE OF ORUC REIS IN SE MEDITERRANEAN – AN OVERALL EVALUATION – By Leontios K. Portokalakis Surveyor Eng., M.Sc. Member of HEL.I.S.S., 26.01.2021

THE CHALLENGE OF ORUC REIS IN SE MEDITERRANEAN-  AN OVERALL EVALUATION   Introduction;  The Turkish exploration vessel “Oruc Reis” of Turkey, whose recent activity in the SE Mediterranean has aroused great interest, conducted a seismic exploration project from 9/8/2020 to 29/11/2020,  in an area south of Kastellorizo and east ofthe meridian of 28°. This survey […]

OPERATIONAL LESSONS LEARNED FROM NAGORNO-KARABAKH CONFLICTS – By IPPOKRATIS DASKALAKIS – Lieutenant General (ret) PhD in nt’l Relations at Panteion University Director of Studies at the Hellenic Institute of Strategic Studies (HEL.I.S.S.) – 01.12.2020

OPERATIONAL LESSONS LEARNED FROM NAGORNO-KARABAKH CONFLICTS October 28, 2020   In my last analysis, recently published in Liberal newspaper, I introduced “High Strategy” initial conclusions on the intense conflict that is taking place in Nagorno – Karabakh since September 27. In fact, the conclusions presented aimed to highlight the geopolitical foundation stones that define or […]

Libya and Cyprus: Parallel Lives – Ippokratis Daskalakis – Lieutenant General (ret) Graduate of the Department of European and International Studies of Panteion University, Director of Studies of HELISS – 01.12.2020

Libya and Cyprus: Parallel Lives Ippokratis Daskalakis December 31st, 2019 The threatened Turkish military intervention in Libya, following the formal invitation of the recognized -with many reservations and asterisks- Sarraj’s legitimate government, dominates Christmas news. Perhaps much less attention would have been paid to Ankara’s intentions and declarations if the signing of the Memorandum of […]

Libya: Spectators or Stakeholders? -By Ippokratis Daskalakis – Lieutenant General (ret). Graduate of the Department of European and International Studies of Panteion University, Director of Studies of the Hellenic Inst. for Strategic Studies – 01.12.2020

Libya: Spectators or Stakeholders? January 18th, 2020 The recent developments in Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean show that the Greek-Turkish conflict gradually becomes a subset of the conflictual trajectory resulting from the wider review policy of promotion of Ankara into a regional power. This policy has multiple targets and is based on the creation […]

Hellenic Air Defence “Patriot” System in Saudi Arabia – Ippokratis Daskalakis – Lieutenant General ret., Director of Studies of the Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HEL.I.S.S.) -01.12.2020

Hellenic Air Defence “Patriot” System in Saudi Arabia February 4th, 2020 The issue of the deployment of an Air Defence “Patriot” Battery of the Air Force in Saudi Arabia has not yet been determined by the date of publication of this article. The disposal of this system, if implemented, will constitute an unprecedented Greek participation […]

The Azeris are an example to be imitated, and the Armenians to be avoided – Hippokrates Daskalakis, Director od Studies at HELISS, 15.11.2020

The Azeris are an example to be imitated, and the Armenians to be avoided Ω Hippokrates Daskalakis 14 Νοεμβρίου 2020 704   After weeks of hard and bloody struggles, a Russian-mediated peace agreement was signed between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The agreement, with points probably quite unknown to us, secures the Azeris’ gains on the battlefield […]

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