
Not all is quiet on the front: Balkans and East Mediterranean – By By Alexandros Mallias, Ambassador (Ret.), member of HELISS – 20.12.2021

  By Alexandros Mallias* Hubris Politics, polemics, hubris are the symptoms of the ecumenical system. In the absence of democratic practices and anthropocentric policies, autocrats opt for polemical dogmas (casus belli) and aggression. Polemics, fanaticism and antagonism are related to religion, geography, politics and economy. Hubris is still much present. The dramatic human exodus is […]

Which Countries Helped Greece Fight the Fires? Russia Tops the List – By Nick Stamatakis – 11.08.2021

Which Countries Helped Greece Fight the Fires? Russia Tops the List   By Helleniscope -PHOTO: The Russian giant amphibious plane Beriev 200, which helped tremendously to stop the fire near Athens… By Nick Stamatakis I know that our friends at the State Department and some in the Greek-American community and especially in GOARCH will not […]

Greek-Turkish War: What it would look like? – A supposed scenario – By Konstantinos Mavraganis – 29.06.2021

Greek-Turkish War: What it would look like? – A supposed scenario  By Konstantinos Mavraganis   Taking into consideration the fact that the Greek-Turkish affairs are being topical, almost on a daily basis lately, the Turkish provocative movements have reached a totally different level, and the various transformations in Greece’s wider geographical region and the whole […]

Ursula, Charles’ Ambassador and Erdogan the Magnificent – by Ioannis Baltzois, a Lieutenant General ret., with a M.Sc. in geopolitics of National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, and the president of HEL.I.S.S.- 29-6-2021

Ursula, Charles’ Ambassador and Erdogan the Magnificent   Written by Ioannis Baltzois* The diplomatic incident that took place in Turkey with the EU leadership considered as “victims”, the so-called “Sofa Gate”, illustrated by the incredible indecency and insult that the Turks reserved to  the high guests of the EU, sparked a lot of reactions, analyses, […]

Germany and Turkey: Friends and Allies in Genocides. The case of the Herero and Nama Genocide that Turkey implemented after Germany. – By Ioannis Ath. Baltzois, a Lieutenant General ret., has a Master’s Degree (M.Sc.) in Geopolitics – 29.06.2021

Germany and Turkey: Friends and Allies in Genocides. The case of the Herero and Nama Genocide that Turkey implemented after Germany.                    By Ioannis Ath. Baltzois * The recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the USA, at this very historical moment when U.S. President Biden uttering the word ‘genocide’ has irrevocably shaped the reality around […]

Set the world order and avoid the next cold war – By Alexandros P. Mallias, a former ambassador of Greece to Washington, DC (2005-09) – 22.04.2021

Set the world order and avoid the next cold war US Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks during a joint news conference with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on April 14. [Johanna Geron/Pool/Reuters] Alexandros P. Mallias 21.04.2021 • 21:03     1. Unlike his […]

200th Anniversary of Greek Revolution Nationality Rooms Program at the University of Pittsburgh – Remarks by Ambassador (ret) Dimitris N. Iliopoulos Member of the Board of the Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HELISS) 24.02.2021

200th Anniversary of Greek Revolution Nationality Rooms Program at the University of Pittsburgh – March 2021 Remarks by Ambassador (ret) Dimitris N. Iliopoulos Member of the Board of the Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HELISS) Former Principal Advisor to the European External Action Service     A classic times Greek philosopher has once stated that […]

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